maandag 10 januari 2011

The YouTube hype

Do you know one of those movies which are being watched a million times. Those weird or funny movies? I know a couple of those and I always wonder why they have gotten so popular.
It must be something like this.
Some guy uploads a funny video of someone who is falling from a staircase. A lot of people find it funny to see someone getting hurt.
After the guy uploaded the video he’s going to tell to his friend to watch the video both online and offline.
If the friends like the video they will tell their friends to watch it. It is like a snowball rolling from a hill covered in snow, it will get big at the end of the hill.
And after numerous views, the video will be on the homepage of YouTube.
Even more people watch the video and tell their friends. So that’s basically how a hype starts on YouTube. Of course there are different scenarios thinkable, but this is the most common one.

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